<aside> ✨ Welcome to the Con Fuerza Resource Library! This is a community learning space to explore and investigate how we can manifest our healing and growth. Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer, Manuela Contreras, will update consistently updating this resources based on the #manifestationmonday conversations and requests from clients.


Join us on IG @confuerzaexperieces to continue to explore manifestation, personal growth, healing and other ways to live in alignment to our values.

NOTE: replays available below with additional resources

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” - Maya Angelou

<aside> 🧏🏽 Accessibility | Con Fuerza cares deeply about creating content that is accessible to everyone. We align with the definition provided by The SeeWriteHear organization which states accessibility as the practice of making information, activities, and/or environments sensible, meaningful, and usable for as many people as possible. Our intention is to support you in the best way so we’ve provided resources for variety of different learning styles and needs.


Con Fuerza

About Our Founder | Manuela Contreras

Manifestation Artwork

Stay Connected

Keep Investigating





Weekly IG Lives

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation Mondays on… Intuition

Manifestation Mondays on… Transformation and Awareness

Manifestation Mondays on… Movement

Manifestation Mondays on… Self Love


Check out the upcoming or past FREE live conversations…


<aside> ♥️ We want to cultivate a learning community if you have any additional resources on this topic you think will be helpful for our broader community email it to us at [email protected] with the subject “Resource For Our Community”


✨Thank you for visiting! This page is made with deep love✨

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